I have been teaching, in various capacities, since 2016, and my goal is to always construct the classroom as a safe space where difficult knowledges can be inaugurated and synthesized while providing students with critical thinking and reasoning skills that can transfer across their academic, personal, and professional lives. In 2021, I was awarded a Senior Certificate in Teaching, which was focused on training in universal design. My teaching interests include, but are not limited to, queer and trans* of color theory, transnational feminisms, South Asian studies, cultural studies, activisms in the Global South, and interdisciplinary research methods. Additionally, I am equipped to teach introductory courses in gender, feminist, and trans* studies, queer theory, psychology, and socio-cultural anthropology, and can design and offer a range of courses in South Asian studies, cultural studies, area studies, sociology, and postcolonial theory.
Sexuality and Queer Theory, University of Houston (Fall 2023)
Course Instructor (Class size ~25)
This upper-level core course examines the structures that give queerness its meaning, and analyzes how the field of queer theory has evolved over the past three decades. Some questions we ask in the course include: how do we define what is “queer” and “not queer,” and how have these definitions changed over time? What do our imaginations of “queerness” teach us about the dominant problems of our time and our place in the world? What would it mean to imagine queer futures and/or live with queer futility? How does queer theory intersect with trans* studies? The course adopts a transnational, queer and trans* of color approach. By focusing on the ways in which gender, sexuality, race, empire, trans-nationalism, class, disability, and indigeneity operate in intersectional ways, students will learn to critically engage with systemic issues of power and inequality and work towards developing a transformative, queer, social justice oriented lens.
Queer Feminisms, Trent University (Spring 2023)
Course Instructor (Class size ~50)
This upper-level core course, my goal is to take students through the major debates of queer feminist thought. Queer theory, feminist studies, and trans* studies have always existed in conjunction with one another. The porosity of the boundaries of these disciplines has meant that they have developed in conversation with, and tension with, each other. Given these disciplinary legacies, what is queer feminism? What does queer feminism offer us in our contemporary moment, and what are its limitations? We begin by tracing queer feminism’s history in the lesbian feminisms of the 1960s-1980s. Then, we address trans* critiques of lesbian feminisms, and engage with the emergence of queer feminist perspectives, epistemologies, and affect. In the later half of the course, we learn about queer feminist debates outside North America, focus on Black queer and trans* feminist perspectives, and learn about queer feminist activisms in occupied regions like Palestine. Taking a transnational approach, students are encouraged to ask: can there be a queer feminist viewpoint? If so, what does it look like? During the course, I work with students on their critical reading, writing, and research skills, designing assignments in a way that students can learn to develop their own research proposals, and build towards their own unique critically reflexive voice. The course is offered on-line, in a partly asynchronous format.
Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies, York University (2017-2023)
Teaching Assistant (Class size ~25)
In this foundational, year-long course, I work with students to develop an intersectional perspective on gender, sexuality, and feminism. Taking a materialist, global, and transnational approach to gender and sexuality across history and the contemporary, the course introduces students to key concepts in gender and sexuality studies, including ‘social construction,’ ‘intersectionality,’ ‘transnational feminism,’ and others. The course builds on Black feminist and indigenous feminist texts in North America before shifting to a global perspective on questions of gender across the Global South. My role, as a teaching assistant, is to work closely with students in deconstructing the course material while also developing their reading, writing, analysis, and citation skills. I incorporate many activities towards these goals through my tutorials. Additionally, I grade assignments and exams, hold office hours, provide detailed feedback, and conduct guest lectures. Over the years, I have contributed to the teaching toolkit for this course, and have taught this course in-person and online, both synchronously and asynchronously.
Understanding Personality, Ambedkar University Delhi (2016)
Adjunct Faculty (Class size ~180)
In this cross-listed social science undergraduate course, my task was to design a syllabus that would familiarize students with key theories that have shaped our understanding of personality over the course of psychology as a discipline. Ranging from psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and cognitive psychology, to humanistic psychology, gestalt psychology, and social psychology, students learned how each school of thought understood 'personality,' and through that, what it means to be 'human'. Students were also familiarized with techniques and methods of measuring personality, and were asked to critically examine the various possibilities and limitations of those methods. In addition to designing and teaching this course, my responsibilities also included designing assignments and exams, as well as administering and grading them, with no teaching assistant support.
Neuropsychology, Ambedkar University Delhi (2016)
Adjunct Faculty (Class size ~35)
In this final year undergraduate course in psychology, I had to design a syllabus that familiarized students with the basic physiology of the brain, before orienting them to the foundational debates in neuropsychology. We covered topics including: the difference between neuroscience and neuropsychology; lateralization; the role of the brain in language, behavior, and motor skills; the relation between the brain, the mind, and the body; the psychology of mirror neurons, and; the emerging science around neuropsychoanalysis. I also designed, administered, and graded student assignments and exams, and held regular office hours, as well as mentoring students with respect to their post-graduate plans.